1 x Application (87.65%) | 153ms |
1 x Booting (12.34%) | 21.49ms |
select * from `sessions` where `id` = 'oo16PT3pZUaiuWo1yg6M4Z6h8fGYgpoeCKOPdIFA' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `slug`, `name` from `blog_kategorije` where `parent_id` = 0 and `status` = 1 and `blog_kategorije`.`deleted_at` is null order by `order` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `slug`, `parent_id` from `blog_kategorije` where `blog_kategorije`.`parent_id` in (1, 6, 9, 13, 18) and `blog_kategorije`.`deleted_at` is null order by `order` asc
Backtrace |
select `p`.`id` as `id`, `p`.`title` as `title`, `p`.`status` as `status`, `p`.`image` as `image`, `p`.`file_id` as `file_id`, `p`.`sub_title` as `sub_title`, `p`.`created_at` as `created_at`, `p`.`natpis_ispod_slike` as `natpis_ispod_slike`, `p`.`cover_media_type` as `cover_media_type`, `p`.`is_live` as `is_live`, `p`.`views` as `views`, `k`.`id` as `kategorija_id`, `k`.`parent_id` as `parent_id`, `k`.`name` as `kategorija`, `pr`.`name` as `parent_kategorija`, `p`.`vrijeme_objave` as `vrijeme_objave`, `a`.`name` as `agencija` from `blog_post_kategorija` as `pk` left join `blog_kategorije` as `k` on `pk`.`kategorija_id` = `k`.`id` left join `blog_kategorije` as `pr` on `pr`.`id` = `k`.`parent_id` left join `blog_postovi` as `p` on `pk`.`post_id` = `p`.`id` left join `blog_agencije` as `a` on `p`.`agencija_id` = `a`.`id` where `k`.`parent_id` != 0 and `p`.`deleted_at` is null and `title` != '' and `title` is not null and `k`.`parent_id` = 1 and `p`.`status` = 1 and `p`.`is_saved` = 1 and `p`.`vrijeme_objave` <= '2024-12-22 19:30:27' order by `p`.`vrijeme_objave` desc limit 4
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `p`.`id` as `id`, `p`.`title` as `title`, `p`.`status` as `status`, `p`.`image` as `image`, `p`.`file_id` as `file_id`, `p`.`sub_title` as `sub_title`, `p`.`created_at` as `created_at`, `p`.`natpis_ispod_slike` as `natpis_ispod_slike`, `p`.`cover_media_type` as `cover_media_type`, `p`.`is_live` as `is_live`, `p`.`views` as `views`, `k`.`id` as `kategorija_id`, `k`.`parent_id` as `parent_id`, `k`.`name` as `kategorija`, `pr`.`name` as `parent_kategorija`, `p`.`vrijeme_objave` as `vrijeme_objave`, `a`.`name` as `agencija` from `blog_post_kategorija` as `pk` left join `blog_kategorije` as `k` on `pk`.`kategorija_id` = `k`.`id` left join `blog_kategorije` as `pr` on `pr`.`id` = `k`.`parent_id` left join `blog_postovi` as `p` on `pk`.`post_id` = `p`.`id` left join `blog_agencije` as `a` on `p`.`agencija_id` = `a`.`id` where `k`.`parent_id` != 0 and `p`.`deleted_at` is null and `title` != '' and `title` is not null and `k`.`parent_id` = 6 and `p`.`status` = 1 and `p`.`is_saved` = 1 and `p`.`vrijeme_objave` <= '2024-12-22 19:30:27' order by `p`.`vrijeme_objave` desc limit 4
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `p`.`id` as `id`, `p`.`title` as `title`, `p`.`status` as `status`, `p`.`image` as `image`, `p`.`file_id` as `file_id`, `p`.`sub_title` as `sub_title`, `p`.`created_at` as `created_at`, `p`.`natpis_ispod_slike` as `natpis_ispod_slike`, `p`.`cover_media_type` as `cover_media_type`, `p`.`is_live` as `is_live`, `p`.`views` as `views`, `k`.`id` as `kategorija_id`, `k`.`parent_id` as `parent_id`, `k`.`name` as `kategorija`, `pr`.`name` as `parent_kategorija`, `p`.`vrijeme_objave` as `vrijeme_objave`, `a`.`name` as `agencija` from `blog_post_kategorija` as `pk` left join `blog_kategorije` as `k` on `pk`.`kategorija_id` = `k`.`id` left join `blog_kategorije` as `pr` on `pr`.`id` = `k`.`parent_id` left join `blog_postovi` as `p` on `pk`.`post_id` = `p`.`id` left join `blog_agencije` as `a` on `p`.`agencija_id` = `a`.`id` where `k`.`parent_id` != 0 and `p`.`deleted_at` is null and `title` != '' and `title` is not null and `k`.`parent_id` = 9 and `p`.`status` = 1 and `p`.`is_saved` = 1 and `p`.`vrijeme_objave` <= '2024-12-22 19:30:27' order by `p`.`vrijeme_objave` desc limit 4
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `p`.`id` as `id`, `p`.`title` as `title`, `p`.`status` as `status`, `p`.`image` as `image`, `p`.`file_id` as `file_id`, `p`.`sub_title` as `sub_title`, `p`.`created_at` as `created_at`, `p`.`natpis_ispod_slike` as `natpis_ispod_slike`, `p`.`cover_media_type` as `cover_media_type`, `p`.`is_live` as `is_live`, `p`.`views` as `views`, `k`.`id` as `kategorija_id`, `k`.`parent_id` as `parent_id`, `k`.`name` as `kategorija`, `pr`.`name` as `parent_kategorija`, `p`.`vrijeme_objave` as `vrijeme_objave`, `a`.`name` as `agencija` from `blog_post_kategorija` as `pk` left join `blog_kategorije` as `k` on `pk`.`kategorija_id` = `k`.`id` left join `blog_kategorije` as `pr` on `pr`.`id` = `k`.`parent_id` left join `blog_postovi` as `p` on `pk`.`post_id` = `p`.`id` left join `blog_agencije` as `a` on `p`.`agencija_id` = `a`.`id` where `k`.`parent_id` != 0 and `p`.`deleted_at` is null and `title` != '' and `title` is not null and `k`.`parent_id` = 13 and `p`.`status` = 1 and `p`.`is_saved` = 1 and `p`.`vrijeme_objave` <= '2024-12-22 19:30:27' order by `p`.`vrijeme_objave` desc limit 4
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `p`.`id` as `id`, `p`.`title` as `title`, `p`.`status` as `status`, `p`.`image` as `image`, `p`.`file_id` as `file_id`, `p`.`sub_title` as `sub_title`, `p`.`created_at` as `created_at`, `p`.`natpis_ispod_slike` as `natpis_ispod_slike`, `p`.`cover_media_type` as `cover_media_type`, `p`.`is_live` as `is_live`, `p`.`views` as `views`, `k`.`id` as `kategorija_id`, `k`.`parent_id` as `parent_id`, `k`.`name` as `kategorija`, `pr`.`name` as `parent_kategorija`, `p`.`vrijeme_objave` as `vrijeme_objave`, `a`.`name` as `agencija` from `blog_post_kategorija` as `pk` left join `blog_kategorije` as `k` on `pk`.`kategorija_id` = `k`.`id` left join `blog_kategorije` as `pr` on `pr`.`id` = `k`.`parent_id` left join `blog_postovi` as `p` on `pk`.`post_id` = `p`.`id` left join `blog_agencije` as `a` on `p`.`agencija_id` = `a`.`id` where `k`.`parent_id` != 0 and `p`.`deleted_at` is null and `title` != '' and `title` is not null and `k`.`parent_id` = 18 and `p`.`status` = 1 and `p`.`is_saved` = 1 and `p`.`vrijeme_objave` <= '2024-12-22 19:30:27' order by `p`.`vrijeme_objave` desc limit 4
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `s_stranice_komponente` where `slug` = '1-1-top-tagovi' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `bt`.`id`, `bt`.`name` as `name`, `bt`.`slug` as `slug` from `s_stranice_komponente_tagovi` as `skt` left join `blog_tagovi` as `bt` on `bt`.`id` = `skt`.`tag_id` group by `bt`.`id` order by `bt`.`name` asc limit 5
Backtrace |
select count(bpt.tag_id) as counter, t.name as title from `blog_post_tag` as `bpt` left join `blog_tagovi` as `t` on `t`.`id` = `bpt`.`tag_id` where (`bpt`.`created_at` >= '2024-12-22 00:00:00' and `bpt`.`created_at` <= '2024-12-22 23:59:59') group by `t`.`name` order by `counter` desc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `p`.`id` as `id`, `p`.`title` as `title`, `p`.`status` as `status`, `p`.`image` as `image`, `p`.`file_id` as `file_id`, `p`.`sub_title` as `sub_title`, `p`.`created_at` as `created_at`, `p`.`natpis_ispod_slike` as `natpis_ispod_slike`, `p`.`cover_media_type` as `cover_media_type`, `p`.`is_live` as `is_live`, `p`.`views` as `views`, `k`.`id` as `kategorija_id`, `k`.`parent_id` as `parent_id`, `k`.`name` as `kategorija`, `pr`.`name` as `parent_kategorija`, `p`.`vrijeme_objave` as `vrijeme_objave`, `a`.`name` as `agencija` from `blog_post_kategorija` as `pk` left join `blog_kategorije` as `k` on `pk`.`kategorija_id` = `k`.`id` left join `blog_kategorije` as `pr` on `pr`.`id` = `k`.`parent_id` left join `blog_postovi` as `p` on `pk`.`post_id` = `p`.`id` left join `blog_agencije` as `a` on `p`.`agencija_id` = `a`.`id` where `k`.`parent_id` != 0 and `p`.`deleted_at` is null and `title` != '' and `title` is not null and `p`.`status` = 1 and `p`.`vrijeme_objave` <= '2024-12-22 19:30:27' group by `p`.`id` order by `p`.`vrijeme_objave` desc limit 5
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `p`.`id` as `id`, `p`.`title` as `title`, `p`.`status` as `status`, `p`.`image` as `image`, `p`.`file_id` as `file_id`, `p`.`sub_title` as `sub_title`, `p`.`created_at` as `created_at`, `p`.`natpis_ispod_slike` as `natpis_ispod_slike`, `p`.`cover_media_type` as `cover_media_type`, `p`.`is_live` as `is_live`, `p`.`views` as `views`, `k`.`id` as `kategorija_id`, `k`.`parent_id` as `parent_id`, `k`.`name` as `kategorija`, `pr`.`name` as `parent_kategorija`, `p`.`vrijeme_objave` as `vrijeme_objave`, `a`.`name` as `agencija` from `blog_post_kategorija` as `pk` left join `blog_kategorije` as `k` on `pk`.`kategorija_id` = `k`.`id` left join `blog_kategorije` as `pr` on `pr`.`id` = `k`.`parent_id` left join `blog_postovi` as `p` on `pk`.`post_id` = `p`.`id` left join `blog_agencije` as `a` on `p`.`agencija_id` = `a`.`id` where `k`.`parent_id` != 0 and `p`.`deleted_at` is null and `title` != '' and `title` is not null and (`vrijeme_objave` >= '2024-12-22 00:00:00' and `vrijeme_objave` <= '2024-12-22 19:30:28') and `p`.`status` = 1 group by `p`.`id` order by `views` desc limit 5
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `title` as `name`, `slug` from `blog_stranice` where `valid` = 1 order by `title` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `f_name`, `f_link`, `f_slug`, `f_image` from `blog_mreze` where `f_valid` = 1 order by `id` desc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `blog_kategorije` where `parent_id` = 0 and `blog_kategorije`.`deleted_at` is null order by `order` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `f_name`, `f_url` from `blog_linkovi` where `f_valid` = 1 and `f_type` = 'servisi' order by `id` desc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `blog_tagovi` where `blog_tagovi`.`id` = '3752' and `blog_tagovi`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `name`, `slug`, `description` from `blog_kategorije` where `parent_id` = 0 and `status` = 1 and `blog_kategorije`.`deleted_at` is null order by `order` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `s_stranice_komponente` where `slug` = '25-4-top-slider' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `p`.`id` as `id` from `blog_post_tag` left join `blog_postovi` as `p` on `p`.`id` = `blog_post_tag`.`post_id` where `tag_id` = '3752' and `p`.`is_saved` = 1 and `p`.`status` = 1 and 1 = 1 and `p`.`vrijeme_objave` <= '2024-12-22 19:30:28' order by `p`.`id` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `p`.`id` as `id`, `p`.`title` as `title`, `p`.`status` as `status`, `p`.`image` as `image`, `p`.`file_id` as `file_id`, `p`.`sub_title` as `sub_title`, `p`.`created_at` as `created_at`, `p`.`natpis_ispod_slike` as `natpis_ispod_slike`, `p`.`cover_media_type` as `cover_media_type`, `p`.`is_live` as `is_live`, `p`.`views` as `views`, `k`.`id` as `kategorija_id`, `k`.`parent_id` as `parent_id`, `k`.`name` as `kategorija`, `pr`.`name` as `parent_kategorija`, `p`.`vrijeme_objave` as `vrijeme_objave`, `a`.`name` as `agencija` from `blog_post_kategorija` as `pk` left join `blog_kategorije` as `k` on `pk`.`kategorija_id` = `k`.`id` left join `blog_kategorije` as `pr` on `pr`.`id` = `k`.`parent_id` left join `blog_postovi` as `p` on `pk`.`post_id` = `p`.`id` left join `blog_agencije` as `a` on `p`.`agencija_id` = `a`.`id` where `k`.`parent_id` != 0 and `p`.`deleted_at` is null and `title` != '' and `title` is not null and (`p`.`is_saved` = 1 and `p`.`status` = 1 and `p`.`deleted_at` is null) and `p`.`vrijeme_objave` <= '2024-12-22 19:30:28' and `p`.`id` = 2979 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `p`.`id` as `id`, `p`.`title` as `title`, `p`.`status` as `status`, `p`.`image` as `image`, `p`.`file_id` as `file_id`, `p`.`sub_title` as `sub_title`, `p`.`created_at` as `created_at`, `p`.`natpis_ispod_slike` as `natpis_ispod_slike`, `p`.`cover_media_type` as `cover_media_type`, `p`.`is_live` as `is_live`, `p`.`views` as `views`, `k`.`id` as `kategorija_id`, `k`.`parent_id` as `parent_id`, `k`.`name` as `kategorija`, `pr`.`name` as `parent_kategorija`, `p`.`vrijeme_objave` as `vrijeme_objave`, `a`.`name` as `agencija` from `blog_post_kategorija` as `pk` left join `blog_kategorije` as `k` on `pk`.`kategorija_id` = `k`.`id` left join `blog_kategorije` as `pr` on `pr`.`id` = `k`.`parent_id` left join `blog_postovi` as `p` on `pk`.`post_id` = `p`.`id` left join `blog_agencije` as `a` on `p`.`agencija_id` = `a`.`id` where `k`.`parent_id` != 0 and `p`.`deleted_at` is null and `title` != '' and `title` is not null and (`p`.`is_saved` = 1 and `p`.`status` = 1 and `p`.`deleted_at` is null) and `p`.`vrijeme_objave` <= '2024-12-22 19:30:28' and exists (select 1 from `blog_post_tag` where blog_post_tag.post_id = p.id and `tag_id` = '3752') and `p`.`id` not in (2979) and `p`.`status` = 1 and `p`.`is_saved` = 1 and `p`.`vrijeme_objave` <= '2024-12-22 19:30:28' group by `p`.`id` order by `p`.`vrijeme_objave` desc limit 6
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `sessions` where `id` = 'oo16PT3pZUaiuWo1yg6M4Z6h8fGYgpoeCKOPdIFA' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
insert into `sessions` (`payload`, `last_activity`, `user_id`, `ip_address`, `user_agent`, `id`) values ('YTozOntzOjY6Il90b2tlbiI7czo0MDoiamlNVDRIM3dkeDBpQkVlWkhVN2xDWGhXV1NMRWNHWnRJdk5QaDM2SCI7czo5OiJfcHJldmlvdXMiO2E6MTp7czozOiJ1cmwiO3M6NTI6Imh0dHA6Ly9uZXdzLWRldi5zaXRlL3RlbWEvMzc1Mi9uYXZpamFjaS11LXNrZW5kZXJpamkiO31zOjY6Il9mbGFzaCI7YToyOntzOjM6Im9sZCI7YTowOnt9czozOiJuZXciO2E6MDp7fX19', 1734892228, null, '', 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)', 'oo16PT3pZUaiuWo1yg6M4Z6h8fGYgpoeCKOPdIFA')
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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